RF Learning
new series Band Pass Filter for Narrow Band IoT application at Frequency band of 146M, 157M, 160M, 172M, 460M, 700M, 868M, 915M with the request of low BW, Low IL and high Attenuation value for NB-IoT application.
6 kinds of different Custom Filter Service as " Center Frequency Change", " Bandwidht Change", " Attenuation value adding", " Impendence Change", "Size Change", and " Modulizng" are here for you.
Attenuation Upgrading Filter support extremely high attenuation and small IL performance, providing at least 10dB each upgrading from 4pole into 5 pole, until 6 pole. (Fo=45MHz~1500MHz)
Temwell BPF perform broadband in 100~150MHz during Fo= 276~1500MHz range. Also, enable to upgrading attenuation as well.
Free Design Special Learning Kit combines 10PCS Standard RF Bandpass Filter with many different spec value and low cost at one time.
Temwell provide Standard Testing Circuit Kit for measuring Bandpass Helical Filter with your equipment. All standard online, Take home with learning kit now.
Temstron supply custom Cavity Filter service as High specificaiton value and large power requirement solution. Frequency band up to 40GHz, Bandwidth from 1MHz to 40GHz, and Power up to 200Watts.
Temstron supply custom Cavity Filter service as High specificaiton value and large power requirement solution. Frequency band up to 40GHz, Bandwidth from 1MHz to 40GHz, and Power up to 200Watts.
Temstron supply custom Cavity Filter service as High specificaiton value and large power requirement solution. Frequency band up to 40GHz, Bandwidth from 1MHz to 40GHz, and Power up to 200Watts.
Temstron supply custom Cavity Filter service as High specificaiton value and large power requirement solution. Frequency band up to 40GHz, Bandwidth from 1MHz to 40GHz, and Power up to 200Watts.